How to Tell the Value of Jewelry

Jewelry has been used for centuries by people of different cultures and social status. It’s made from various materials such as gold, silver, and platinum. Pieces are also often embellished with precious stones like diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. These...

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

As Valentine’s Day approaches, you’re probably looking for a gift for your significant other. Here at Loudoun Exchange & Jewelry we sell a variety of things that can make great gifts. So as you’re trying to decide what to buy before the 14th, stop by to see your...

Types of Guitars and Similar Instruments

There are several different types of guitar and string instruments. Below is a list of just some of the types of instruments that are guitars or similar to the guitar. This is not a complete list but it is the most common type of guitars or similar instruments....

6 Reasons Jewelry Makes a Perfect Present

With the holiday season in full swing, you’re probably making sure you get gifts for everyone you love. Sometimes it’s difficult to pick out the right gifts for everyone but one gift is almost always going to be a great choice. That is the gift of jewelry. Keep...

A Guide to 5 Kinds of Jewels

When picking out jewelry or even when you’re deciding to sell your own jewelry, it’s important to have at least a little bit of knowledge about the different types of jewels. A professional jeweler will also be there to assist you in identifying any of your jewels as...

Collecting Things: Why We Do It

The urge to collect things is not an unusual phenomenon. We often find ourselves with collections of things, whether on purpose or not. Other times we make a decision to start a collection of something we decide is important. Read the rest of this blog to discover...
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