Top 4 Gemstones And What They Symbolize

From the days of antiquity, various cultures around the world have associated gemstones with unusual powers. Found in different tints and hues, these unique gems are revered as much for their mystical features and meanings as they are for their allure. When cut and...

Beginners Guide to Buying a Guitar at a Pawn Shop

No matter your skill level shredding the guitar, there are always affordable options at your local pawnshop. If you’ve never taken advantage of our great selection at affordable prices, here three helpful tips select the right fit for you: Budget for a Bit More...

Purchase Instruments from us and Save!

Many people play musical instruments and typically go to the big box stores to find what they are looking for. When you’re looking for guitars, amplifiers, drum sets, keyboards and other musical instruments, do you think about heading to our pawn shop? If you...

Clearing your Phone’s Data Before Selling it

There is a lot going on the news about the protection of our personal information in regards to certain apps and entertainment on our smartphones. If you are planning on selling your old smartphone for something new, how should you go about protecting your private...

5 Tips for Cleaning Vintage Jewelry

Many people love collecting and wearing antique jewelry. However, over time, this beautiful jewelry can become dirty and need to be cleaned. Cleaning your antique jewelry every few weeks is an essential step to keeping it looking beautiful. Without regular cleaning,...
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