by zipsites3admin | Dec 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
When picking out jewelry or even when you’re deciding to sell your own jewelry, it’s important to have at least a little bit of knowledge about the different types of jewels. A professional jeweler will also be there to assist you in identifying any of your jewels as...
by zipsites3admin | Oct 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
The urge to collect things is not an unusual phenomenon. We often find ourselves with collections of things, whether on purpose or not. Other times we make a decision to start a collection of something we decide is important. Read the rest of this blog to discover...
by zipsites3admin | Aug 5, 2022 | Uncategorized
Are you thinking about dipping your toe into the world of photography? Buying a camera secondhand is a great way to start this new hobby at a relatively inexpensive cost. That being said, there are a few things you should keep in mind and ask yourself before making a...
by zipsites3admin | Jul 25, 2022 | Uncategorized
While it may seem like you know exactly what you want, other times picking out a piece of jewelry may seem difficult. Before you choose a piece or pieces that you want to wear, there’s some factors to consider. Occasion Is there a specific occasion that you see...
by zipsites3admin | Jun 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
When you are shopping for yourself or for gifts, your first thought is probably to look for new items. Buying new items is convenient, but carries a higher cost for your pocketbook and for the environment. Here are some reasons for buying second hand items (jewelry,...